In the heart of a home where love runs deep, Lies Matthew, a father whose promises keep. To Thomas and George, his sons so dear, He brings warmth and joy, wipes away each tear.
A Chemical Engineer, brilliant and wise, In a multinational firm, he scales the skies. With precision and skill, his mind does play, Turning complex problems into a bright day.
In his driveway sit two BMWs so fine, Matthew drives with passion, letting engines whine. The thrill of the road, a smile on his face, In his sports cars, he finds a fast-paced grace.
On weekends, with Thomas in tow, To major league baseball games, they go. Cheering loudly, sharing dreams, Bonding deeply, or so it seems.
At home, Matt dons the chef’s hat, Cooking meals that make hearts pat. From smoker to grill, and sous-vide to fryer, His kitchen talents never tire.
Feasts he creates with love and care, A culinary artist, beyond compare. His family gathers, mouths all water, Matt’s meals, like no other, hotter and hotter.
Dreaming of land, vast and wide, With few neighbors, and countryside. A peaceful haven, a tranquil place, Where stars at night, show their grace.
In all he does, in work and play, Matt’s love shines bright, in every way. A devoted father, a family man, Doing his best, the very best he can.
So here’s to Matt, on Father’s Day, With love and thanks, we all say. For being the dad that’s truly grand, With a heart of gold, and a guiding hand.
Happy Father’s Day, dear Matthew, We love and cherish all you do!
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